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What are the symptoms of HIV?

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Many individuals considering an HIV test will do so because they are worried about risk of infection and believe they may be showing HIV symptoms. HIV is a virus that enters the body through an exchange of bodily fluids and then like any virus produces a reaction within the body. This can be a typical viral reaction such as flu like symptoms or more sever such as fevers and rashes or it may produce no symptoms. At some stage, normally around 4-12 weeks the body will produce antibodies to the HIV virus. At this stage a 3rd generation HIV test...

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HIV Symptoms- Get yourself tested today!

hiv symptoms hiv test kit hiv testing

HIV Symptoms- Get yourself tested today!

More than half of this planet is affected with HIV virus that has killed more than a billion of earth’s population till date. This virus results in people getting affected with Aids, a disease that slows down your immunity and makes you susceptible to various dangerous and life threatening illnesses. Aids is directly related to HIV but a person infected with this virus need not have Aids at all. HIV is quite difficult to detect but one must take care to check for the following if he or she thinks something is wrong with their health. For example: one most...

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Don’t bring HIV home with you.

Chlamydia Test kit Heapatitis B Test Kit self-test kits

Don’t bring HIV home with you.

“UNAIDS has stated that HIV/AIDS in Indonesia is one of Asia’s fastest growing epidemics.” (From Wikipedia   Bali is one of the main areas of concern and with so many Australians visiting the area bringing HIV back to Australia is a very real risk. Many sex workers, both gay and straight work in a grey area where short term relationships of a few days or weeks are part of the experience. This can lead to a higher incidence of unprotected sex than direct single encounters with male or female prostitutes. With many sex workers reporting frequent incidents of unprotected sex and...

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Hiv Testing kit for homes in Australia

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Hiv Testing kit for homes in Australia

Times have changed significantly as now days people who think they might have contracted HIV or have the virus present in their system can now conduct HIV test using the HIV test kit that has transformed the way the medical industry works. Today, anyone who suspects himself to be a possible carrier of this dreaded disease can get to know his status within a few minutes by conducting home tests that have been made available by many governments and ministries like the FDA in the United States. The organization such as this one has made testing for HIV quite easy...

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HIV Symptoms¬-Why you should go for a test in the earliest opportunity.

HIV Symptoms¬-Why you should go for a test in the earliest opportunity.

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. People who have the virus have weakened immunity and are thus vulnerable to infectious diseases and cancer.  When people with the virus develop certain cancers or infections, they are said to have AIDS.   You can also tell if one has AIDS if their CD4 count is less than 200.  When HIV enters a person`s body, it attacks and exterminates CD4 cell which is one type of white blood cells in the body.  The main function of this cell in the body is to fight diseases which mean once the CD4 count, the body...

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